Thursday, July 9, 2009

...And the #1 Reason to Take a Piss in the Pool is....

I sure hope lil Ray-Ray and Oscar took a piss in that pool !

For those still living in a box or cave, and are foolish enough to believe that racism doesn't exist, take a look at the Creative Steps Daycare kids from Philly above....harmless looking bunch, wouldn't you agree? Well not according to the Valley Swim Club and its president, who have banned the kids from using their facility after one of its members voiced concerns that one of the daycare kids "might do something to their son". According to the club president, Creative Steps Daycare is guilty of the worsts of crime: " changing the COMPLEXION and ATMOSPHERE of his club"...for those of you who can't read between the lines, that translates to: "too many lil niggers in our pool will scare off my regular paying customers....oh yeah, and you guys smell like fried chicken and greens anyway; my pool pump ain't designed for that !"

Look, most of us aren't surprised by the disturbing comments or acts in this story. What is most disheartening is that most of the black blogs broke this story earlier in the week, but as of me writing this, only CNN thought this story was newsworthy enough to even report on its website. I'm afraid the only way these type of stories are going to garner the national attention they deserve is if we learn to hit white America where it matters most to them- in their wallets. But instead we continue to parade out Rev Al, Jesse and the rest of their minstrel show homies for a " rally" or "march" or "protest" which only serves to do 2 things: Keep America laughing at us and of course give these idiots more face time.


  1. I'm glad to see that the children have something recreational to do instead of getting in that good ol "summer trouble". Unfortunately when we see certain ideologies wont ever change it is sad; however, the best thing that" us folk" can do is to build our own facilities instead of constantly allowing ourselves to be put in those situations. Leave them people alone learn to love and build our own kingdom, Fu@k the "rich mummies" (T, Montana, 1983).

  2. I saw this story on nbc tonight. I instantly sent up the bat signal to my peeps. I'm not surprised by what happened. Yet I am surprised that others were surprised by what happened. Seems to me that many people still have their heads in the sand.
