Monday, August 31, 2009

Favre-Mania?! Give Me a Break !

I Promise I won't turn this into a sports-related blog, but two separate stories dominated the sports world last week and the NFL specifically. Of course I am referring to the return of QBs Brett "Git-er-done" Favre and Mike Vick.

Of course, by now, we all now the stories behind their respective return; Vick from purgatory and exile for 22 months in Leavenworth for running an illegal dog-fighting ring, and Favre from 7 months of retirement...again...for the 2nd time in as many years...

Now, if I showed you these stat lines : 4-4 for 19yds, no turnovers and 1-4 for 4yds with 2 near turnovers and THEN I showed you these headlines: "Vick disrupts offensive flow for Eagles..." and " Favre looks outstanding in comeback performance", you would assume Favre owned the first stat line,right?

WRONG ! Confused? Yeah, so was I after watching both Vick and Favre's first preseason outing. Vick looked calm in the pocket and completed several short shovel passes before completing his final, 12 yd rocket-pass to Hank Baskett. Favre, on the other hand, completed just one pass to Percy Harvin and nearly got sacked on his 3 remaining attempts. But somehow the "world-wide leader" aka ESPN, always pushing their own agenda, gave Favre the superstar treatment, while relegating Vick to the bench, so to speak.

Look, I understand how the game is played and killing dogs is a deplorable crime, but facts are facts: Vick CLEARLY outplayed Favre and looks much closer to a prominent return then Favre. The funny aspect of this story going forward is how long can ESPN continue to run from the facts and report inaccuracies? I guess we get a chance to find out starting tonite Favre should play a half vs the Texans, after only a week of practice. Favre is already working on his next excuse as reports have surfaced today that he has self-diagnosed a cracked rib...WTF??!! Really, he does physicals too?!

Marino accepted it was time...Montana as well... Aikman, Young, Moon,etc have all realized that it was simply time to walk away from the game, while they still could. Here's to hoping that Mario Williams helps Favre think along these lines tonite...

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