Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Will the Coonery Ever End???

Back in February CNN aired a special report on the Death of Bling and how the struggling economy has toned down the hip hop mainstay.While Cash Money and several other now broke idiots may have led the trend of establishing "bling" as a fortified brand,the economic recession may prove to be too powerful for its survival.

However it appears that some entertainers are either recession proof or blind to what is going on around them. Check out DeAndre better known as SouljaBoyTellem showcasing his Moissante diamond encrusted toy car.

[Shaking my damn head]....And I thought T-Pain’s “Big Ass Chain” was bad! Even in an economic boom, there is absolutely no circumstance where COONERY should be warranted or accepted! As a 19 year old role model what message are you sending to your less fortunate peers? Diamond studded RC Lambos are a symbol of success?! Perhaps our values as a society as whole are really F#$%D up if this is somehow considered cool.

1 comment:

  1. The biggest travesty is that rappers and followers alike make this shit popular. You can't blame the artist for what society has made socially acceptable. Just pull your pants up and spend your money on more worth while things like a house and car. The best we all can do is teach our children the right types of behavior.
