Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A New Disease is Affecting Our Community...

For every guy wearing skinny jeans, there is an angry father somewhere yearning to punch his ’son’ in the fucking face.

CNN, MSNBC, and even those racists at FOXNEWS ( who would love nothing more than to report on some blacks/latinos doing some ignant shit) have NOT reported on this devastating epidemic,spreading thru our communities, affecting old and young alike...
No I am not talking about obesity,teenage pregnancy rates, or even poor academic scores/testing displayed by many of our supposed future leaders. No, today I come to you about a far more polarizing topic: I,of course, am talking about the Nutt-Hugger aka Skinny Jeans Epidemic(SJE).
A couple of weeks ago, I went to Wal-mart pick to up some chicken breasts to make a stir-fry (No, we don’t always fry it). As I was walking thru the aisles,I noticed many brothas wearing the "Unofficial 2009 Uniform":dudes wearing jeans that were probably 2 sizes too small for their girlfriends to be wearing; white belts,some colorful ass converse or Nikes(Phil Knight is laughing all the way to the bank again at our expense); and glittery v-neck t-shirts that resemble something your kid sister used to make with her BEDAZZLER! you know the look... ...SIGH...

Now,I know some people will say that this is just an example of me getting older and not understanding the trends of the Y2K generation. I can admit that in some cases that is true. Sometimes when I'm out around teenagers,I feel like that grumpy old man in house shoes and a tattered robe yelling at the kids to get off his lawn. However, in the case of skinny jeans, this problem is not limited to just the younger generations. There are grown ass men walking around in skinny jeans! This has to stop!
This whole “metrosexual” movement started because of women cosigning stuff like “Queer Eye for the Straight Guy” and their love affair with how “in touch” gay men appear to be with their feminine side (No shit right?). Look, I have no problems with gay people. There’s nothing wrong or gay about a man looking fresh or well groomed(no homo). However,women allowing men to get away with wearing jeans and shirts that are too tight, walking around with Louis Vuitton man purses and scarves and other “over the line” things, has lead to an environment where men are now trying to “out metrosexual” each other in order to attract women. I believe there’s a direct link between SJE and the increase in male bitchassness (MBN) that everyone seems to hate. Bottom line, if women want MBN to go away then they need to step up to the plate and stop cosigning the behavior. If you don’t, you’ll come home one day to find your man putting on YOUR favorite pair of jeans!

Please let me know your take and don't forget to take my poll on the right...

1 comment:

  1. You know what gets me about this is that how do men go from saggin to this s**t right here! LOL! I personally hate both but I will take my man saggin any day over the tight jeans look. And whats even worse is when dudes result to saggin the tight jeans!!! OMG!!! I think it makes a man look entirely too feminine! I'm sorry but Black men ought to know better than this. Just as Black women and White women bodies are shaped different...so are Black men and White men. I don't know what has gotten into Kanye and now even Lil Wayne is rocking the tight jeans. WOW!
