Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Top 8 Things A Man Should....


8)Take baths over a simple shower--any male over the age of 12 should never ever ever take baths-unless there is a woman involved....

7)"Dawg, why don't we talk like we used to??" ---WTF?!?....nuff said...

6)Dance in the club...especially together! ---Remember back in the late 90's and early 2000's when you went to the club ladies, and saw all the a big ass menage-a-tois...."throwing dem bows" or getting crunk?! Remember how wrong it felt....SMH...

5)Use side by side stalls in a Public Restroom--either move down one or wait your damn turn ! ...

4)Replace soap with a "Moisturizing bodywash" --Women like us dry and ashy after showers; it gives them something ELSE to complain about! Plus, if you play it right, it could lead to some foreplay(women +lotion-in-her-hands = 7.5 minutes of enjoyment !!).....

3) Watch Porn together---really??! Do I even need to explain this one?!

2)Wear MANBAGS(aka M-URSES) and Attempt to Pass them Off as Computer Bags--Please see my previous blog on the metrosexual epidemic;Nuff said
... and

1)WEAR FUCKIN SKINNY JEANS--Of course ! Look, if you have to pull you pants off to take your keys outta your pocket, or can't run but instead have to "SKIP" if a fight breaks out, then its probably not a good idea to be wearing them jeans!

Feel free to leave me your list in the comment section....


  1. You have a weird sense of humor...but I was amused by this...LOL

  2. Pucker their lips or rub their lips together after they apply lip chap. It's just not a good look.

  3. LOL....this is funny and i agree with all of them!
