Monday, October 26, 2009

Leggings Aint for Every-BODY

Not even J-Hud can get a pass....

Ladies, I hope you didn't think I wasn't gonna address this, did you? Well after FAMU's homecoming this year, the issue can no longer be ignored...

We've all seen it. At some point on campus or around town,you have encountered the big girl who believes that her skin-tight leggings are a completely legitimate form of pants. I don't know who told her that a thin piece of nylon would suffice, but they were fucking wrong. I'm sure there are guys out there is saying, "What is so wrong with girls wearing skin-tight clothing?" Well, gentlemen, you will find out. And ladies, I just hope you read this article before you commit a fashion mistake.

First off, camel toe is not a good look for EVERYONE!I can already hear the big-squad hollering: "But I don't have a camel toe when I wear leggings!" Yes. You do. Unless you pick at your crotch every five minutes (which, for your information, is repugnant if you don't have a ball sack to adjust), at some point your sad excuse for an article of clothing worked its way into a frontal wedgie. Don't argue. You could have the wordl's best personality,and volunteer weekly to feed the homeless but guess what:the IDEA of your camel toe would still be repulsive.

Second, leggings are not smoothing your cellulite. It's okay.No one's perfect. But choosing clothing, such as jeans, that don't emphasize the bumps in your ass/thighs brings you closer to the ultimate goal of attractiveness. I cannot count the amount of times I've been stuck behind a biggums wearing leggings on a sidewalk and had no choice but to stare at her cellulite until I have a chance to pass her. And all you ladies that look in the mirror to detect such imperfections are missing one thing: you are stationary in front of a mirror. What about when your muscles flex and contract as you walk? Yeah, that's right; go check your mirror again.

The only thing that can help these legs are a lifetime of exercise, a decade of lyposuction, or a day of amputation. Leggings do not, I REPEAT, do not suck in fat!If you weighed 300 pounds before you put on your leggings, trust me, you still look like you weigh 300 pounds! I realize they're tight, but no amount of man-made material will make anything over the amount of two pounds of fat disappear. Shocking, I know. Not only do they not slim your legs and ass down, but they also actually contribute to one of the most revolting features of the human body: muffin tops.

"They're so warm and comfortable!"

As for comfort, there is a thin line where a certain amount of ugly is accepted to accommodate comfort. Across that line, comfort goes out the window because something is just so retarded that we will give up our own luxury to prevent being seen with it on. Leggings fit into the latter category. If you're so worried about your comfort, buy some sweatpants. Super comfy. No camel toes. No cellulite. No protruding fat.

The moral to the story is that there are thousands of 10-year-old children slaving away in Malaysian sweatshops sewing pants for you to wear. Don't let their 20-hour days pass in vain. Buy jeans. Put on sweatpants. Wear your cargo shorts. And most importantly, stop wearing leggings all by their lonesome. Actually, while you're at it, just stop wearing skirts too.



  1. Rotflmao!! That was the funniest thing I read all day!

  2. Too funny. rolling on the floor laughing my *ss off @ the comment about camel toe and noticeable fat.

  3. WOW you go hard! But I must agree. When the hell did it become ok to sub udergarments for outer wear? Case in point the new bustier trend that chicks are wearing as a shirt and forgetting to actually put on a girdle below it so the muffin top is now a damn fresh loaf of sourdough bread! Help em Lee I cant save em all!

    T "Double" D ya homie 4 life
